265 West 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023
(Off West End Avenue)

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Yoga & Art: Exploring the Chakras

Taught by Gosha
Sunday, March 12th 1:30-4:00pm

In-person only

According to the great Sages of Yoga, the Chakras, our subtle senses, reveal and describe our relationship with our own personal self and how we relate to the world around us. The Chakras express our emotions and state of mind. 

They can be known through color, sacred geometry and a seed sound called bija. By attending to the vibrations and frequencies of these subtle energy centers, we can develop a greater harmony and deeper understanding of our lives.


This workshop aims to bring forth a well balanced, enlivened interconnection of all our subtle energy centers through conscious attention to the images and energies that arise from them. We will attend to the subtle centers of perception through several means of “knowing”,  including an asana practice and a painting exploration, focusing on the element associated with one Chakra.  

In this workshop, we will focus on the Earth element associated with the Muladhara, meaning root, the first Chakra. We will find "home" in our body, finding our intrinsic safety and grounded-ness by practicing yoga asanas related to energizing, contemplating and also painting this first Chakra. (We hope to schedule more of these workshops, eventually making our way through all 7 Chakras.)

All materials will be provided and no prior art training will be required.

Price: $75, $65 if you register by February 25th
Space is limited. Register coming soon!



If you have trouble registering through our online system, please email worldyogacenter@gmail.com.