265 West 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023
(Off West End Avenue)

What's New


Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice Celebration

Saturday, December 21, 6:30-9:00pm
Hosted by Julia

On Saturday, December 21, we are going to gather for the night. The Winter Solstice is not only the darkest day of the year but on that night the earth tips once more towards the sun and the light. We will honor the unformed potential of the darkness and it’s power to take us into what is yet unrevealed and unknown within ourselves.
Solstice Evening Program:
6:30-7pm Chanting and guided Meditation
7:00-8pm Shared meal of winter root vegetable stew
8:00-9pm Live improvised music, gongs and closing chant

Chanting and meditation will be an opportunity to dive into the space of our own being. The meal will warm us up and bring the joy of sharing a meal in community. The live music offers a chance to sit together as the earth turns into the greatest darkness and face the void that is always present within. Our accomplished musicians will play free form, atonal, unrehearsed, creating various soundings arising at that given moment of time. There will be lots of bells and gongs, deep sounds that resonate, and great moments of wild clashes and dissonance. In this way, we will explore the unnamed mystery that lies beyond words.


-Joe Moffett, trumpet

-Pascal Niggenkemper, double bass

-Flin van Hemmen, percussion



$35 to participate
$45 includes Julia’s pre-program

yoga class (4:30-6pm)