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New York, NY 10023
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Enjoy Annual Summer Retreat Report here!‏

Retreat Pictures and Insights..

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1. Do not try to control your mind in meditation
2. The spiritual path is self propelling
3. Swadharma – Taking the Next Right Step
4. Trust (relax, we are being taken through)
5. The seer and the seen are one
6. Give up patterns that no longer serve
7. Install the mantra in your energy centers
8. Dissolve the knot at the core of your being
9. Dissolve the cloud bank of obstacles covering the Self
10. If we are identified with our dark side, the evolutionary journey takes longer
11. Our mind does not stand a chance against our own Great Self
12. It is good to choose companions who are on the path of awakenment
13. Everything we need we already have
14. We need practice becoming effortless
15. Tune your radio to the best station in town – Om Namah Shivaya
16. You have to be authentic with yourself to be authentic with others
17. The Great Self does not need an apology (about your highs and lows, absences and returns)
18. See it as it is
19. Let go of “This shouldn’t be!”
20. Shatter the illusion of who you think you are
21. Do not be defined by your dark side
22. Divorce your inner critic
23. A shaft of light reaches to the bottom of the pond and when it is gone, it leaves no trace (on a cemetery stone at the Zendo)
24. Words are arrows
25. It is alright not to know
26. We are more connected than we are separate
27. There is fullness in the silence
28. The universe is a projection of our own Subjectivity- (Abhinavagupta)
29. All of us have a vast reservoir of  inner wisdom  by which to live.
30. We may create separateness but that does not change our Oneness




Thank you for making me feel immediately welcome and thank you for stretching my mind and my body far beyond where I ever thought possible! The retreat was so wonderful! I thank you a million times for encouraging me to come–I am so happy I did. And thank you for all the special help you gave me–I feel so much better aligned and my whole outlook has shifted. The lake, the birds, the monks, the lack of electronic devices, the healthy food, the lovely community of people–such great people! and of course Jackie and Rudrani’s amazing energy–all combined to make a memorable and mind-shifting experience. The weekend was so healing and lovely. And fun!! What a wonderful group of people. Rudrani and Jackie just poured themselves into us.


Thank you so much for a wildly inspirational and fabulous retreat. My body is as stretched as my tight hamstrings will ever allow it to be and I even meditated this morning….will wonders ever cease?


I’m still reeling from those magical 5 days at the Zendo—am processing it all. Jackie is an amazing teacher and I loved Rudrani’s teachings. I feel so blessed to have them both in my life


Retreat was exceptionally well contained–our disciplines and focus strong and the group was empowered – able to hold silent energies well . A Zen monastery such an excellent backdrop. The Lake was divine—– Gratitude


Most special was the amazing group of people who clearly will follow you up and down any mountain you go. Who could blame them!? You are an awesome force.


Thank you so much for the wonderful retreat! Your kind and healing presence infused the entire space. I greatly appreciate your words of wisdom and your help.


There is a pull to these teachings that keeps gaining momentum. Thank you for carrying and passing along such magical growth and potential —so fortunate that we all experience these times together.


Truly still soaring with retreat energy (three days after). Taking the retreat and teaching (yoga) have been streaming with the current of grace, ease, and love (balance with the right amount of rigor). The gratefulness to the two of you is immense.


Coming down the Mountain after, there was a willingness to open to the moment, see beauty and see the others in the street through the same eyes we saw each other on retreat.


Coming “back to (my ) life” has been interesting…Like wearing new glasses, a pair I knew I had in my kitty but wasn’t putting on.


My epiphany and connection about Grace on the retreat is what I’m taking down the mountain and what is carrying me through each moment and day. It is having the awareness of Grace and (the) dissolution of the small self. Big!


My eternal gratitude to you for sharing your boundless heart with us Leading us up and down (and left and right) to see our own Grace within.