Staying on the Path
Thursday November 18th, 7-9:30pm
Online via WYC's Satsang Zoom platform, enter password: WYC
"Staying on the Path"
Awakening practices, illuminating disciplines and ancient teachings for mind and body, meant to stabilize us in an experience of the Self within, don’t come with a guarantee that we’ll actually DO them… as you must embrace their rigor, face internal obstacles and let yourself evolve.
It takes commitment, profound interest and the power to over ride inevitable resistance. Though we may recognize what ultimately most serves us, our higher intelligence can get sidetracked by the multiple desires and drives of societal norms and historic conditioning.
There is an image in the great epic, the Mahabharata, of the black and white mice of night and day chewing on a vine of luscious berries that hangs over a steep abyss. A nameless person hangs from this vine oblivious to the mice, lost in deep absorption in eating the strawberries. This person does not seem to notice this situation nor the call to take refuge from it—
We, however, have been fortunate! One another’s presence in shared practice is growing as we increasingly recognize this as great medicine for that obliviousness. Despite having to learn to rely on technology– a reliance from which we are slowly emerging– we have created a community capable of transmitting remembrance of our truest Self. We are each other well wishers in this sense as we like to call it, supporting each other to establish true footing in our innermost nature beyond time and space, a place of peace, plenitude and bliss. This lies at the root of our breath, the root of our heart beat, the root of our thoughts. This is the great field beyond right and wrong the poet Rumi describes and it is so sweet, so full of delight that we seek it despite the pull to ignore it. Staying on the path is an accomplishment worth sustaining as we ease into increased in person contact.
Let's explore this together. Beginners to meditation are welcome, friends and family are welcome.
Enjoy an evening of high energy with Rudrani, the WYC Director. This monthly program includes group meditation, chanting, yoga philosophy, spiritual teachings and an exploration of the theme of the month. All are welcome. No prior experience needed.
Tuition: $20
Assemble some props, such as cushions or firm blankets, to support your meditation posture. If you are new to meditation as a practice, there will be instruction to support you. We like to meditate by candle light so if you have a candle, have it nearby.
Please know you can register in advance here or pay via Venmo available upon logging in.
Log on to, enter password: WYC
(The zoom link will also be on the WYC homepage Thursday evening.)
‘Satsang is very precious to me. I treasure the meditations…’ ~WYC Student