265 West 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023
(Off West End Avenue)

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Being part of the Whole

Thursday Feb 4th, 7-9:30pm

"Being part of the whole"

There is a “seam” that we move through, a subtle shift within us in our inner world where we experience an opening, a profound sense of being part of something larger than ourselves. In that moment, we feel not only located in our thoughts and body but also located in the whole of All-There-Is. This is usually accompanied by a wide-angled, open sense of wholeness, perfection and fulfillment.
Ancient Yoga scriptures offer the teaching metaphor of the melting of the salt doll into the Ocean, asking “When the salt doll dissolves, is it gone?” Invited to apply this to our daily life, how do we expand our identity as part of the whole, and where does the usual “me" go?  
Now, in almost a year of difficult and demanding times, we have been together, sharing practices from our own homes in countless interactions online, having created a sense of being in one great spiritually-maturing family with its doors open world wide. It has been one of the hidden blessings to have had more space to explore the inner world. The subtle awareness, however evanescent, of being part of the great unfolding beneath surface appearances, is a treasured and central part of the evolutionary journey. The yearning to sustain this awareness is auspicious. Let's explore this together.

Enjoy an evening of high energy with Rudrani, the WYC Director. This monthly program includes group meditation, chanting, yoga philosophy, spiritual teachings and an exploration of the theme of the month. All are welcome. No prior experience needed.

All are welcome

Tuition: $20

Assemble some props to support your meditation posture. If you are new to meditation as a practice, there will be instruction to support you. All are welcome.  

You can register in advance here or pay via Venmo available upon logging in.
Details for registering online are available here.

Log on to https://zoom.us/j/5287932595, enter password: YOGA
(The zoom link will also be on the WYC homepage Thursday evening.) 

‘Satsang is very precious to me. I treasure the meditations…’ ~WYC Student