265 West 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023
(Off West End Avenue)

What's New


Healing the Shadows of the Heart

Thursday May 21st, 7-9:30pm

"Healing the Shadows of the Heart"

As this historic perios unfolds, we have discovered many things by direct experience during this time, including the incredible power there is in practicing together even though we are scattered all over the world. What then is holding us together energetically? How is it that we feel we are falling apart at times and at other times feel larger than we have ever felt in presence, understanding and heart? Something so powerful is supporting us and it brings with it a deeper knowing of our own shadows, a deeper yearning for unbroken connection with others and an increased search for our own innermost being. Lets explore how we can direct the energies opening inside us, some familiar and some surprisingly unfamiliar, and use this time well. We are being invited to realize its value as an opportunity for intense spiritual practice and transformation. Lets explore this together. Bring your dear ones and your friends and family — All are welcome

Call for 66th St. location information 212-877-4153.
Tuiton: $20
Please register in advance, here

We will provide tea and cushions. If you are new to meditation as a practice, there will be instruction to support you. All are welcome.

Satsang is an evening of high energy with Rudrani, the WYC Director. This monthly program includes group meditation, chanting, yoga philosophy, spiritual teachings and an exploration of the theme of the month. All are welcome. No prior experience needed.

Log on to https://zoom.us/j/5287932595, enter password: YOGA (zoom link will also be on the WYC homepage Thursday evening.)

‘Satsang is very precious to me. I treasure the meditations…’ ~WYC Student