
265 West 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023
(Off West End Avenue)

What's New


Urban Restorative Retreat

Taught by Jacalyn Prete
Sunday, March 13th 1:30-3:30pm EST

Hybrid- Join in person or online via WYC's workshop zoom platform
https://zoom.us/j/7806079246, enter password: WYC

The Urban Restorative Retreat returns to the WYC, and this time it will be hybrid (available online and in-person.) This workshop welcomes yogis of all levels to a deep dive into the peaceful core of our own hearts.

Jacalyn’s workshops and classes are steeped in the teachings of Tantra, filled with wisdom that encourages us to rediscover the source of our own radiant inner essence.

Through Meditation, Restorative Asana, Pranayama (breath practices) and contemplation we move into the liminal space– union with our deepest essence.

The workshop also includes some Ayurveda health tips to bring us into rhythm with nature as we move from late Winter into early Spring. 



Recommit to practices that provide a pathway to internal peace and stillness. May we come into true rest, clarity of mind, and renewed purpose… together.

All levels are welcome.

Come and discover an Inner Oasis at the Urban Peace Retreat.

Price: $45
Register to join online: here
Register to join in-person: here

Preregistration is required to join in-person!

If you have trouble registering through our online system, please email worldyogacenter@gmail.com.




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Once registered you can click on the Store tab to to purchase this workshop in the online store. 

If you get stuck please email worldyogacenter@gmail.com for support


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