265 West 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023
(Off West End Avenue)

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The Authority of Love

Thursday March 4th, 7-9:30pm

"The Authority of Love"

In this time of divisive turmoil and social change, the notions we have about a world built on love and solidarity can feel like an ineffectual fairy tale— yet perhaps we can travel to the depth of the teachings on Love and its inherent moral authority in our lives and see what the great sages of Yoga said about Love. It is a power that demands exacting inner work, deep self inquiry and a strong commitment to internal evolution. The surrender of our attachments, our historic conditioning, and our limited notions of who we are, are part of this evolution. The teachings on Love are radical and revolutionary for this reason. 

Let us examine this together and draw on the wisdom teachings of Yoga, on how to participate consciously and with authentic engagement in this period of human life on Earth. Beginners to meditation are welcome, friends and family are welcome… Let's explore this together. 

All are welcome

Tuition: $20

Assemble some props to support your meditation posture. If you are new to meditation as a practice, there will be instruction to support you. All are welcome.  

You can register in advance here or pay via Venmo available upon logging in.
Details for registering online are available here.

Log on to https://zoom.us/j/5287932595, enter password: YOGA
(The zoom link will also be on the WYC homepage Thursday evening.) 

‘Satsang is very precious to me. I treasure the meditations…’ ~WYC Student