265 West 72nd Street
New York, NY 10023
(Off West End Avenue)

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Reiki with Guillaume

Reiki Level 1 Training 
with guest Reiki Master Guillaume Gauthereau
August 26-27th

Reiki is a contemporary method of healing in which energy is transmitted by the Reiki practitioner to a recipient by the laying on of hands. It treats the whole person including the body, the emotions and the person’s mental and spiritual condition. It brings multiple beneficial effects that include deep relaxation, feelings of peace and security, and release of inner stress. Reiki is based on the awareness that the boundless conscious energy of the Universe that flows through us as life force, as Prana or Chi, can be directed, amplified and focused through the hands from one person to another to bring great well being and a sense of enhanced quality of life.
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiant energy flowing through you and surrounding you.  
Reiki is natural and safe and everyone can use it. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds. It is simple to learn, as the ability to use Reiki comes from the power to transfer energy from Master to student during a Reiki attunement. The Reiki master gives the attunement and the student taps into an unlimited supply of ‘life force energy’ which is then developed and cultivated by the student’s continued use.
The training is structured as a two-day workshop that covers the history of Reiki, which originated in Japan, as well as careful presentation of all the specific hand positions used in healing. After the training, increased power will be a matter of practice as the more Reiki you do, the stronger the healing energy flows through your hands, and the more experienced a channel you become. During this level 1 training, you will receive four attunements and learn how to give a complete Reiki treatment.

Saturday, August 26
1-4pm and 6:30-8:30pm

Sunday, August 27 
8:30-10:30am and 1-4pm

Tuition: $475, secure your spot with a $150 deposit here
The training will be limited to 8 people 


Guillaume is dedicated to empowerment & self-transformational work, guiding and supporting individuals to facilitate their own healing and rediscover their power. Guillaume is trained in Reiki, Medical Reiki™, Sufi Healing, Sound Healing, Meditation, Shamanism,  and he is currently doing a certification in the Science and Art of Herbalism. He has completed the WYC Meditation Training and considers himself to be part of the extended WYC community.   
